Meditative Partition, 2020, Kudan House.

Meditative Partition, 2020, Kudan House.

Meditative Partition

A soundscape streaming work that partitions in and out transparently | 内と外を透いて仕切る音景ストリーミング作品

Jukan Tateisi KAITO SAKUMA a.k.a BATIC | 立石従寛 KAITO SAKUMA a.k.a BATIC

17.4.2020 - 30.4.2020
Youtbe Live, kudan house

Special Thanks
Masato Tanaka “AnyTokyo” | 田中雅人 “AnyTokyo”


”How should partition behave while we're parted?”

Since Covid-19 spread globally, suddenly, the remote society that used to only existed as an “unseen society” has became real. While home quarantine policies are spreading around the world, I feel the function, which is expected to partitions that separate indoor|outdoor or room|room, has been changing rapidly. In this work, the artists rethink about the partition that produces space/meanwhile.

The live streaming is based at the garden of kudan house, where the artists first collaborated (Work in Progress - Ghost -”) at AnyTokyo 2019. That placed on the boarder between Spanish styled garden and Japanese styled garden is an acrylic board that has been made into a speaker. It is processing the sound of washbasin behind the board in real-time, and play with a short audio loop. And it is streaming the sound inside the venue and outside at the same time.

There are 2 types of partitions shown in this work. One is a partition that separates the garden into each style. The other one is a partition that separates audience (quarantinee into inside) and the work (remainee into outside). And sound and garden are functioned to mediate these boarders.

Through the soundscape, where indoor|outdoor and artefacts|nature are melted, wish you think tenderly about the remote society till now/from now, and enjoy.



配信は両作家の初共作「Work in Progress - ゴースト -」の発表会場でもあった九段ハウス(AnyTokyo 2019)の庭を会場としています。スパニッシュ建築様式の庭と日本庭園との境界上に設置されているのはスピーカーとなったアクリル板です。その背後に見え隠れしている蹲の音をリアルタイム処理し、短いループ音を添えて流しています。そして九段ハウス敷地内の音と敷地外の音を同時に配信しています。




“I’ll do an exhibition. Check it out.”

“Cool. Is it gonna be offline or online?”

Online exhibition is going to be one of the standard institutes, and there might going to be explanation about if it is online or offline. Standing by the world of online exhibitions, this work explores a way of online exhibition as a sub theme.

To make exhibition online, there are 3 major ways to do so. Which are 1. transplant the physical exhibition, 2. create the virtual exhibition, or 3. hybrid. Also, viewing methods should hold A. public viewing, and B. intervention. This work will experiment some of them.

In the first half of the period, the work will take a viewing way of public viewing, which is that audience view the work through Youtube Live. They will watch and listen to the sound that the artists wrote/curated. In the second half, it is planned to the interventions. The artists will create a collaborative playlist on an existing music platform such as Apple Music or Spotify, and audience will listen to the music through adding their wishing track on the playlist. It is, so to speak, an online juke box.




エキシビジョンのオンライン化は大きく分けて1. 物理展示空間の移植 、2. 仮想展示の創造、或いは3. これらの掛け合わせ、があると考えられます。また鑑賞方法についてはA. パブリックビューイング型、とB. 作品介入型が現時点では考えられます。(今後多くの実験によって幅は拡がっていくでしょう)本作はこれらの中から部分的に実験していきます。

会期前半はA. パブリックビューイング型をとります。Youtube Live配信を視聴者が各々鑑賞する方式です。作家、或いは作家によってキュレーションされた音源がアクリル板スピーカーから鳴り響き、これを鑑賞するものです。会期後半はB. 作品介入型へ移行するよう予定しています。Apple MusicやSpotifyなどの既存音楽プラットフォーム上に公開プレイリストを作成・共有し、視聴者が各々自由に音楽を追加すると順々にアクリル板スピーカーから流れ出す、いわばオンラインジュークボックスを企てています。



Meditative Partition
A soundscape streaming work that partitions in and out transparently

Youtube Live, kudan house

Apr 17th - 30th 2020

Jukan Tateisi


Special Thanks

Masato Tanaka “AnyTokyo”

Meditative Partition

Youtube Live, 九段ハウス

2020年4月17日 - 30日



Special Thanks

田中雅人 “AnyTokyo”