Voyage in Sound
Airbnb City Experience
Dec 2016 - May 2017
How do we remember the city where we have visited? Sometimes it is more clear that you've heard than what you've seen. Voyage in Sound is a project that collects/substitutes city travellers' memory by/into sound.
Project attendees have considered what Tokyo means to them by field recording the sound of two-sided soundscape which are urban and nature. The collected sounds have made into a single track improvidently with the artist.
This project will be finalised by the attendees revisiting the track after leaving the city.
われわれはどのように訪れた街を覚えているでしょうか。時に、目で見た景色よりも耳で聞いた景色のが鮮明に思い出せることがあります。"Voyage in Sound"は来訪者の記憶を音に収集し落とし込むプロジェクトです。
Voyage in Sound
Airbnb city experience